
The Dangers of Diacetyl in E-cigs

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White Cloud continues to lead the global e-cigarette industry in terms of quality and safety by keeping two potentially hazardous chemicals out of our e-liquids: diacetyl and acetyl propionyl. Read on to learn about these compounds and the steps White Cloud has taken to make […]

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Why Anti-Vaping Advocates Have The Upper Hand

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Electronic cigarettes are still a relatively new technology that has not gone without controversy. As with any new technology, there will always be questions surrounding it and parties who are against it. In the e-cig world, new information, studies, and propaganda surface every day. Unfortunately, […]

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Is 18 Old Enough To Use E-Cigarettes?

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Although they have been around for some time, electronic cigarettes remain a relatively new phenomenon. Sales in the United States alone grew from about $20 million in 2008 to over $1.5 billion in 2013. Because e-cigarettes are still in their infancy, legal issues surrounding them […]

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